Thursday, June 16, 2011

Not in a groove yet...

I'm still trying to get in a groove for the summer plans and for this blog.  'Bout the time I do it, it will be time to go back to school!  Of course, adjusting to the schedule change is never easy, especially for the kids.  For me, I am so excited to finally have all kids (grown and young) working or in school all day! Maybe, I'll finally have time for me!  Yea, if me-time consists of having time to paint the house (again - I did that 11 yrs ago when my older boys were in school full time), organize those closets (kids toys that need to be classified as vintage by now), shampoo the carpets (damn dog!), finish the yard work (damn hubby!), or get a job myself (need my OWN money).  No wonder I'm ADD, I have too many things on my to-do list.

I had a lot going on last week, and still not sure how to publicly express it, since I run the risk of the people involved reading this at some point. I still have to learn how to sort things out before posting them... isn't that why I started this blog in the first place?  To help me sort things out and get them out of my head so I would have room to spread the rest of the junk out in there?  This is why I never wrote the autobiography I have dreamed of doing for the last 30 yrs!  I could really use the money, isn't that motivation enough? 

It appears my Facebook updates are pretty active, but still scant in describing all that is going on.   I just don't know how one person (me) can have so much going on in one day, and still get up the next morning. How do I do it?  How do I accomplish the tasks laid out before me each day? How am I able to do all that I do, without self-medicating? I really don't even drink that much if you want to get technical. If you could draw a graph of my stress in comparison to alcohol consumption, the alky line would be way lower than the stress line -guarantee it!

Has God given me an insatiable appetite for chaos? Is there something I'm just not doing right, and  I get to try again and again until I figure it out?  Can I have a vowel please? I'm just not getting it... yet.

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