Saturday, June 4, 2011

How did I get here -- you know, on Blogger?

I have wanted to write a blog ever since Prodigy, Compuserve and AOL were vying for everyone's attention! I've never been much of a journal keeper, I think I have commitment issues. Not commitment in life or relationships mind you, but commitments to myself, committing to doing the things I want to do. This will be a learning venture for me to finally do something for me.  I used to write songs and poetry whenever the mood hit and I have long dreamed of writing a novel. But with the drain of family life, my brain has been on snooze for a couple of years now. I hope to wake it up with this new creative outlet. I hope to fulfill some of my dreams - I hope I get used to these damn bi-focals!  That's a lot of "hopes" and not enough dreams. We'll work on that.

So far, the hardest part of this journey, has been trying to come up with a catchy name for my thoughts!  I hope as the days/weeks/months pass, that this blog begins to take on a recognizable shape and form. I don't want to become predictable.  I am, by far, predictable. But I'd like to see some mental organization unfold to give clarity to my jumbled thoughts.
While I was trying to name my blog, I wrote quips of words down as they came to me, and thought about what the focus of my online journal would be. Then it hit me, I have no focus - I can't focus! I need an eye exam. Yes, sometimes I dabble with self-diagnosis and on occasion, self-medicate. *wink*  Did I mention that I am a shopaholic? Maybe a Pack-rat, too. It also appears that I have issues with getting fat and growing old. Or is that growing fat and getting old?  I think I have Adult Onset ADD...  I need therapy. :o)

I came up with "juggling and jiggling" as a result of those mixed up thoughts. My mental menagerie.   Crap! There's a good name!

I juggle so many things in my day to day life with 4 kids. I have a crazy schedule driving two little kids back and forth to and from two different schools at four different times of the day, juggling bills with one income,  keeping up with a fairly large home with it's DIY projects, Oh Lord the construction projects! Plus I have the challenges of two grown boys that can't quite keep it together out in the real world, a husband that has major issues with that, and a conscious desire to not become dependent on alcohol to get me through the day!

Thank God I'm not at the "Vodka in my coffee" point - yet.

I love to cook and create delicious dinners for family and friends, so I hope to share a recipe or two thousand as I collect my notes. I try to eat wholesome foods, avoid artificial additives and maintain an intake of healthy supplements, while constantly struggling with keeping the weight off of my aging body and tackling the hot flashes. That's right, menopause is in the air, I have an abundance of graying hair, I am wearing bi-focals or reading glasses and more - not so graceful things - are settling in.  I am trying desperately not to give in to the old age bandit - I'm fighting him/her every step of the way! I got a feeling you'll be hearing a lot about this stuff. -- And there's the jiggle.

As you can see, I couldn't single out just one subject, so my journal may bounce around for a while, but I hope you find something you can relate to as we get to know each other. 
Please enjoy reading my sporadic, heartfelt entries. Let them bring you joy, (go ahead, laugh at my expense) or at least share in my misery.  I have lots of ideas, instinctual knowledge, and some hefty opinions that I want to share as well. Maybe something inspiring will come out of this, or maybe I'll find a job instead. 

I'll try to remember to check in regularly - that's my commitment to you. OK, I admit, I have commitment issues - did I say that already?  We'll get into that with more detail as time goes on. I have a lot to say - bear with me as this thing unfolds -- Oh, and I plan to add some pictures, too!

Thanks for reading!

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